#HappyHour: A Guide to a Blissful Life



While I love to blog about the fun things in life (read: cocktails and cosmetics), I think there are other essentials worth talking about.

I have a generally sunny disposition and try to take an enthusiastic, optimistic approach to life. Guilty. People often ask me what I’m smiling about or how I manage to “stay so happy all the time.” I usually joke and blame it on all the caffeine or my Disney princess training. But the truth is, it’s something I work at every single day. A few years ago, right around the time I launched Martinis and Mascara, I set out on a soul-searching mission and decided to put my happiness first, to not let anyone or anything else control it, despite other obstacles I was facing at the time. And it’s not always easy.

I’m well aware that life isn’t always sunshine and lollipops (and martinis and mascara).  There are endless elements in this world attempting to drag you down. That’s why I find self care, emotional health maintenance, and attending to your personal well-being of utmost importance. I think it is necessary to get your mind right and to choose happiness. To chase it, to create it, to cherish it, and to take charge of it. And I want you to do it with me.

I believe that your happy hours are just as important as your happy hours.  

And so, I’m introducing a new recurring feature on the blog – #HappyHour. I’ll be sharing advice, support, thought-starters, ideas, and inspiration to guide you on the path to your most blissful life. It’s something I practice in my own life every day on my personal mission to harness happiness and never let it go. If you are ready to create your happiest selves, I invite you to join me at #HappyHour. We can do this together! I’ve been wanting to write this for a while now and couldn’t think of a better time to debut this new feature than on this International Day of Happiness.

Cheers to martinis, mascara, and the pursuit of happiness! See you at the next #HappyHour! 😉

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